MTD International manufactures a range of outdoor power equipment, including snowthrowers and snowblowers under the brand name Yard Machines. Other noteable MTD brands include Club Cadet, Troy-Bilt and MTD Gold.

MTD - Yard Machines Summit Series 31AH65FH829 SnowThrower
The Yard Machines corporate parent MTD includes its Summit Series snowblowers. The 31AH65FH829 dual stage model has a 30 inch clearing width and a 21 inch intake height, 6 forward and 2 reverse speeds and packs a 357cc engine. Its chute rotates a full 200 degress for optimal snow positioning. This model features deluxe skid shoes to avoid damage to surfaces being cleared of snow, an in dash headlight and electric start to get the machine cranking easily in low tempatures. The 12 inch serrated auger and large engine will help throw snow and ice up to 40 feet.

MTD - Yard Machines 31A62BD700 Snow Thrower
The MTD Yard Machines 31A62BD700 Snow Thrower has a 22 inch clearing width to make quick work of medium to small snow removal jobs. With a 4 cycle, 179 cc engine and its two stage action, this model is equipped to take care of winter problems. The included Snow Hog tires offer excellent traction. This model is designed to offer a good machine at a low price, escewing high end features ( such as headlights, handwarmers and electric start) in order to keep costs down. Backed by a two year warranty, this machine is good for the budget concious homeowner who wants the ability to throw snow but does not want to pay a premium price.